My father had a gift for telling stories. I would listen for hours, mesmerized as he spun tales. My own stories seem to spring from a compulsion, or maybe just from my genes. I write for myself but, like my father, I would never turn away an audience. These stories are true, reflections of events in my life.

About Me

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Husband, father, recovering person, Navy veteran, polio survivor. I have learned to stop fearing life, to enjoy it like a good novel that can tease with promise and delight with suprise.

September 29, 2004

Taking a Break

I haven't posted for a about a week. My friend R's death has left me thinking but with no desire to share my thoughts. His funeral is tomorrow. Maybe that will bring some closure for me.

I searched for a computer-based Bible study this week and found them to be just too expensive. The least expensive ones are $15. For $200 you can get bells and whistles. The serious ones range from $400 to $800. Wow.

Then, while searching online, I found This site was put up by a gentleman in Tennessee who has made it his ministry to write and distribute for free a Bible study that rivals the best of those for sale. I began downloading it several nights ago and continue to add modules.

I am guided by a desire to learn about the God of my fathers. Now that I have commited to growing my relationship with God I want to insure that it is not simply a God of my own invention.

The e-Sword software allows me to read from over a dozen translations, compare them to each other, learn of the culture of the people in biblical times, use any of several dictionaries to find definitions, view the original Hebrew and Greek texts and read commentaries by a variety of scholars.

Best of all, I can work at my own pace.

I never thought I would have an interest in bible study. Go figure.....

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