My father had a gift for telling stories. I would listen for hours, mesmerized as he spun tales. My own stories seem to spring from a compulsion, or maybe just from my genes. I write for myself but, like my father, I would never turn away an audience. These stories are true, reflections of events in my life.

About Me

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Husband, father, recovering person, Navy veteran, polio survivor. I have learned to stop fearing life, to enjoy it like a good novel that can tease with promise and delight with suprise.

December 20, 2005

Still Alive

No, I did not fall of the edge of the Earth. I just got very busy. Not with anything particularly important, just busy.
I have been bicycling. As is my way, I have turned an enjoyable activity into an all-consuming obsession. It is just so great to be back on a bicycle.
My weekend casual bike rides turned into daily training rides after work and then I began planning a bicycle tour. I bought racks and panniers and a backpacking tent and sleeping bag.... I just bought everything needed to begin some serious bicyclc camping.
For months now my reading has been limited to tour journals on It is a wonderful site, filled with first-person accounts of bike camping adventures across states and countries and continents.
I am planning a modest adventure of my own, to ride the C&O canal towpath, end to end, from Washington, DC to Cumberland, MD. One-hundred eighty-five miles, camping along the way. It should take about four days to complete the trip.
I guess I am anxious to live stories for a while rather than just tell them.
I wil try to post here with some regularity and report on my training and preparation for the trip. And I will create a journal with photos to describe the trek.