My father had a gift for telling stories. I would listen for hours, mesmerized as he spun tales. My own stories seem to spring from a compulsion, or maybe just from my genes. I write for myself but, like my father, I would never turn away an audience. These stories are true, reflections of events in my life.

About Me

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Husband, father, recovering person, Navy veteran, polio survivor. I have learned to stop fearing life, to enjoy it like a good novel that can tease with promise and delight with suprise.

November 23, 2004

Coming Around

I feel better today. I don't believe it is just because my sad mood passed with time. I think the reason is that I took action to resolve some of the problems that have been bothering me lately.

Problems are sometimes more than just a nuisance to me, they can REALLY get me down. When I get down (emotionally) I fall into a mode of inaction. Then, the problems just seem to grow larger.

I am a procrastinator; it is perhaps my most serious character defect. Things left undone become problems; problems grow; inaction (procrastination) sets in and the cycle becomes a downward spiral.

Thank you, Lorna and Little Brother, for your comments to my previous post. It's help to know tht I am not alone. Knowing that others are aware of my problems and my need to take action reminds me that I am accountable, to myself and to others.

One of the actions I have taken is to schedule a meeting with a professional with whom I can discuss my feelings and the character defects of which I am aware. Procrastination is high on my list of topics, along with the cyclical nature of my moods. I also plan to discuss ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder.) I have long suspected that it may be one of my traits.

Meanwhile, I feel a story coming on. I have to meet someone for dinner in a few minutes, but I will be back at the keyboard in the near future.

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