My father had a gift for telling stories. I would listen for hours, mesmerized as he spun tales. My own stories seem to spring from a compulsion, or maybe just from my genes. I write for myself but, like my father, I would never turn away an audience. These stories are true, reflections of events in my life.

About Me

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Husband, father, recovering person, Navy veteran, polio survivor. I have learned to stop fearing life, to enjoy it like a good novel that can tease with promise and delight with suprise.

December 9, 2004

Another Year

Today is my birthday. I am going to make a special effort to be easy on myself today.

I feel fine, despite the impression my previous post may have given.

I think sometimes that my real problem is self-pity, not depression. I am self-centered and selfish by nature and self-pity is a tactic I use to wallow in myself. It's a problem, I know, but I am working on it.

More later...

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