My father had a gift for telling stories. I would listen for hours, mesmerized as he spun tales. My own stories seem to spring from a compulsion, or maybe just from my genes. I write for myself but, like my father, I would never turn away an audience. These stories are true, reflections of events in my life.

About Me

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Husband, father, recovering person, Navy veteran, polio survivor. I have learned to stop fearing life, to enjoy it like a good novel that can tease with promise and delight with suprise.

August 6, 2004

First Blog Post

And so I begin, my first post.

My intent here is to share honestly. I am relatively new to both of these, sharing and honesty. I learned them in the rooms of a 12 Step program. Previously I did not share so much as boast and pontificate. To be honest made me feel frightened and vulnerable so I molded the truth into something more comfortable.

In 58 years my greatest accomplishment is this, I have learned to be comfortable in my own skin. I can look in the mirror each morning as I shave and not be awash in negative emotions. No shame, no self-loathing, not even the dull ache of just not feeling good enough.

How did I grow from an innocent child into a troubled misfit, becomming at last a man at peace with himself?

Let me tell you....

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