It was a good Christmas.
Wife and kids drove to Tennessee on the 22nd to spend the holiday with parents/grandparents. I stayed home until Christmas Eve, then drove eight hours from Pennslvania to Tennessee. The weather was dry, roads were clear, traffic was light; a delightful drive.
Wife drove my Jeep (her old Suburban began protesting just before the trip.) I drove a rental (Hertz, full-size Buick, $20/day, unlimited miles, sweet deal.) I returned today, they will return after the New Year.
The visit was nice. I behaved myself; easier now that I have made significant changes in my life (spiritually speaking.) All are well.
On the way back I detoured into the southern Virginia mountains and visited Aunt Betty. It was the highlight of the holiday. Aunt Betty lives alone in a rustic cabin that some might call primitive. I call it wonderful. Few other cabins boast a gazebo elevated above the roof by a central supporting pole, or a private pond filed with fish. Her outhouse was replaced this year by an indoor composting toilet, much more convenient in winter. Running water is gravity-fed from a spring, The inside walls are planked in lumber salvaged from old barns. Her bookcase is filled with titles spanning a spectrum from novels to quantum mechanics.
Aunt Betty came to the mountains years ago, in a converted school bus with her children. The chidren grew and scattered. Aunt Betty stayed in this place that has become a comfortable refuge. She reads, visits, corresponds with friends and family, lives in the company of dogs and makes a life that suits her.
She is my connection to family; my father's sister, my baby-sitter from years ago when I was too small to remember. She tells me stories about my father as a boy, my mother as a young bride, my grandparents as real people rather than the icons they became in my memory.
We visit like people did a century ago. We share coffee and conversation, watch sunsets and moon risings, enjoy each other's company and silence.
I love my Aunt Betty. I would love to tell you more about her, and I will.
I hope that you all had a Merry Chrstmas and will enjoy a happy and healthy New Year.